City of Cohoes Remsen Streetscape Improvements

How One Streetscape Project Sparked $8M in Funding and a Six-Year Vision

A historical main street in the City of Cohoes, Remsen Street connects downtown residential neighborhoods with restaurants, shops, businesses, and entertainment venues. The streetscape was last improved in the 1970s. By the 2000s, sidewalks were in disrepair with rolling grades, missing bricks, overgrown vegetation, dead trees, heaved curbs, and inadequate accessibility. The City was determined to reinvigorate its downtown, starting with Remsen Street.

In 2016, the City of Cohoes partnered with LaBella to help reimagine their entertainment district. What started as a couple of napkin sketches turned into a six-year vision for Remsen Street and its contiguous public spaces and streetscapes.

Project Highlights

The Remsen Street concept plan was ultimately divided into three phases of funding, design, and construction.

Phase I

Phase I included 650 linear feet of streetscape improvements within the City’s entertainment district, running from the historic Cohoes Music Hall at Cayuga Street to the Manufacturers Bank Building and the City’s original Grist Mill at Ontario Street. Design began in 2016 and focused on the conversion of two-way to one-way traffic, with an emphasis on the pedestrian environment through strategic widening of the street and sidewalks with accommodations for cyclists and the Capital District Transportation Authority’s (CDTA) state-of-the-art Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line.

Phases II & III

The design for phases II and III of the project included similar improvements while focusing on revitalizing the core of the City – embracing longstanding restaurants, residences, and businesses; and attracting new investors downtown. Two-way traffic was maintained.

Complete Street Elements

All three phases totaled approximately 2,300 linear feet and included many complete street elements: ADA-compliant sidewalks, decorative brick paver borders, granite curbs and curbed bump outs, milling and paving, bike racks, a new CDTA bus shelter, electric car charging stations, and numerous other site amenities. Native street trees, bioretention areas, and flexible outdoor seating contributed to a more welcoming and sustainable environment.


The City of Cohoes and LaBella worked together to create concept renderings and a successful grant application through the New York State Home and Community Renewal Community Development Block Grant program. LaBella also assisted the City with a successful funding application through National Grid’s Urban Center/Commercial District Revitalization Program. The City used CHIPs funding to cover the remaining costs. Leveraging the success of Phase I, LaBella continued to assist Cohoes with numerous successful Consolidated Funding Applications to fund the remaining two phases of Remsen Street, in addition to other revitalizing projects. Following each successful grant application, LaBella and the City of Cohoes partnered together to design, bid, and see each project through construction.

A Catalyst for Growth

In addition to modernizing infrastructure, the project honored the City’s rich history by revitalizing its once-bustling streetscape. The improvements spurred economic growth, attracting new businesses while drawing residents and visitors back to the City’s restaurants, shops, and public spaces.

The improvements to Remsen Street have infused life back into this historic, charming and undiscovered City, nestled north of the Capital District at the foothills of the Cohoes Falls.

An Award-Winning Project

2024 APA New York Upstate Award—Great Places in Upstate NY Category

Each year, the New York Upstate Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA) recognizes outstanding planning efforts across the region. At this year’s Annual Conference, held in October 2024, LaBella was honored to receive a 2024 APA New York Upstate Chapter Award for the City of Cohoes Remsen Street project in the Great Places in Upstate NY category.

Powered by Partnership: LaBella and the City of Cohoes

Learn more about some of the revitalization projects LaBella’s team has performed for the City of Cohoes, NY.